school art competition2

Practical Suggestions

Here are some suggestions to raise public awareness of ANZAC values and what the ANZAC horsemen did, in a community-friendly way.

action 1

  • Light Horse parades through major cities and towns where the Light Horse originated, on or around August 4-5 (Romani), October 31, (Beersheba), or September 19 (Megiddo sweep). 
  • Research local people who served as ANZAC horsemen and tell their stories. Ask around. Many Australians (especially in the country towns) have relatives who fought or died and would love an opportunity to voice this.
  • Contact local schools and try to organise a visit by an army or RSL representative to talk about the battle of Beersheba and Middle Eastern campaign. Let schools and teachers know of upcoming dates and material available on the web.
  • Tell the history of the partition of the Ottoman Empire and let people know that the Palestinians have already been given a homeland (Jordan) as well as the Jews (Israel).
  • Hand out a package of water and Anzac biscuits to children on October 31 (also the date of Halloween) and tell them the story of the victory at Beersheba in 1917.

action 2


  1. Emu Gully Walers – photographer unknown
  2. Beersheba Day package – Jill Curry, after an idea from Councillor Rosalie Crestani